Can contacts lenses lose pigment with a cleaning solution?

There are three types of cleaning solutions for soft lenses: hydrogen peroxide, iodine and MPS. Hydrogen peroxide and iodine cleaning solutions can be expected to have high disinfection effects. However, due to its high cleaning power, pigments may be removed if used in contact lenses. Therefore, let's check if we can use it for contact lenses before we use it.

MPS is recommended for contact lens cleaning. MPS can be cleaned, disinfected, and stored consistently. It's safe and there's no dirt or deformation of the lens, so even those who use it for the first time feel safe.

Should I wear colored contacts lenses for a short time? difference in oxygen transmittance from soft lenses

Oxidative transmittance is important to prevent such problems. The degree to which oxygen is transmitted to the eyeball, the transmittance of soft lenses tends to be lower than that of hard lenses. Colored contacts are also said to have low oxygen permeability due to their coloring.

Therefore, it is better to wear it shorter than soft lenses. In recent years, there have been contact lenses with high oxygen permeability, but please read the instruction manual carefully and use it correctly at the specified installation time.

if you want to take safety into account, the "sandwich manufacturing method" is good. Because the colored part is sandwiched between lenses, the colored part has the advantage of not being directly visible. This reduces the risk of cornea damage. Similarly, the "cast molding method" is said to be safer because the colored parts are not directly visible.

There are three types of casting molding methods: full casting molding, semi-cast molding, and spin casting molding.

The full cast molding method is to pour the lens material into the concave and convex mold and press it to form it. It is easy to produce in bulk and is a common manufacturing method for Korean contact lenses such as one-day type.

Semi-cast molding is a method of cutting curved parts after adjusting the lens shape to a certain extent with concave and convex molds. Although it cannot be produced in bulk, it can be corrected after the lens is completed, so it will be finished with Korean contact lenses with accurate front curves.

The spin-cast molding method using only concave molds is characterized by the use of centrifugal force due to rotation to mold the lens. The degree is determined by the speed of rotation and the amount of raw materials. It is a manufacturing method used more often in the molding of clear lenses than in Korea.

Please pay attention to the manufacturing method when purchasing contact lenses such as Korean contact lenses.